Health Report - Full program podcast

Health Report - Full program podcast

ABC listen

Specialist and mainstream audiences alike rely on the Health Report to bring clarity to health and medical issues from social, scientific and political points of view.

Radios: ABC Classic FM

Categorias: Salud

Escuchar el último episodio:

You hear a lot about the dangers of concussion in sport, but maybe sport can actually mitigate the harms of concussion. We navigate the link between tablet use in children and angry outbursts.  How erectile dysfunction and other issues below the belt can be indicators of problems above the belt. And did Australian supermodel Elle MacPherson really beat cancer without treatment?

Episodios anteriores

  • 1186 - Playing sport might protect against concussion harms 
    Sat, 07 Sep 2024 - 0h
  • 1185 - Your phone might help you get a good night's sleep 
    Sat, 31 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 1184 - Struggling to keep kids off screens? Here’s how to reduce the harm 
    Sat, 24 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 1183 - Going for a bush walk? Your microbiome will thank you 
    Sat, 17 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 1182 - Sport has two sex categories, but biology isn't that simple 
    Sat, 10 Aug 2024 - 0h
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