Dragon Ball Insider - Podcast

Dragon Ball Insider - Podcast

Dragon Ball Insider

Dragon Ball (Z) news, discussion, and debates from the Dragon Ball Insider staff at www.dragonballinsider.com

Categorias: Cine y TV

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In episode #012 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast Anthony, “Uchi”, and special guest Danny AKA “Geekdom101” from YouTube discuss the animation in Dragon Ball Super. Ever since Dragon Ball Super episode #005, many fans have been picking apart the inconsistencies in the series’ animation, and unfortunately it has become the topic of conversation when discussing the series as a whole. But just what goes into animating an episode? What are the costs, time restrictions, and how much do animators get paid? Is the amount of complaints regarding the animation justifiable? And has animation inconsistency been an issue in the past with Dragon Ball? Be sure to listen as we discuss it all, as well as some other things!   Be sure to follow the official Dragon Ball Insider website!    Also a special thanks to Ben "TheDragonBaller" for all of the research to help make this episode possible!

Episodios anteriores

  • 23 - Podcast Episode #012 
    Thu, 14 Jan 2016
  • 22 - Podcast Episode #011 
    Sun, 22 Nov 2015
  • 21 - Podcast Episode #009 
    Sat, 20 Jun 2015
  • 20 - Podcast Episode #008 - Special Live Broadcast 
    Tue, 13 Jan 2015
  • 19 - Podcast Episode #007 
    Sun, 30 Nov 2014 - 0h
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