

Nature & Birds

The Bird Podcast! A journey into the wonderful world of birds. With books, public sound recordings, and personal recordings and explorations by Richard Emerson. Thanks for tuning in!

Categorias: Arte

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Whilst on our daily walk today, we caught this little song battle for territory between a Blue Tit and a Greenfinch, sitting on top of a little bush.

The Blue Tit has the two highs and the two low notes at first, and then three highs as it got more combative. The Greenfinch has a more “babbling” song, with the periodical “screeching” sounds.

In the end, the Blue Tit was driven out and had to fly away!

Private recording April 10th, 2023, ©Richard Emerson.

Episodios anteriores

  • 14 - A Battle between a Blue Tit and a Greenfinch! 
    Mon, 10 Apr 2023
  • 13 - Dawn Chorus in Royal Natal National Park, South Africa 
    Sun, 09 Apr 2023
  • 12 - Chaffinch in the Lake District, Easter 2023 
    Fri, 07 Apr 2023
  • 11 - Greenfinch in the Lake District, UK 
    Fri, 07 Apr 2023
  • 10 - Song Thrush in the Lake District 
    Wed, 05 Apr 2023
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